Government and Governance in the EU

About us​

EUGOV was founded in 2003 as a research group targeting the relevance and specialization of EU government and governance. It recognizes the significance of research and cooperation to analyze and develop science and policy that addresses European integration theory, EU institutional and decision-making, EU policy-making, EU democratic quality, European comparative studies and multi-level governance.

The EUGOV group has established itself as a leader in EU studies in Spain, with the Generalitat of Catalunya recognizing it as a Consolidated Group from 2009 to present.

Its principal expertise includes those themes related to:

  • EU institutional dynamics and decision-making
  • Power, democracy and legitimacy in the EU
  • European policies
  • Theories of European integration
  • Europeanisation
  • European Public Administration

Given the nature of its work, its scope includes not only the European Union but comparative studies of European countries and some third countries. It particularly thrives on the collective collaboration of faculty, doctoral candidates, postgraduate and undergraduate students, as well as affiliated scholars from across Spain and the rest of Europe.

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Last publications

State of the art in the study of EU agencies: the role of trust as a turning point
Gómez, J. and Pérez-Durán, I. in Brandsma, G.J. (Ed.). Handbook on European Union Public Administration (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar), p.138. 

General and Substantive Accountability in Nursing Home Services: Assessing Messages from the Demand Side and the Supply Side
Pérez-Durán, I. and Hernández-Sánchez, A. Journal of Aging & Social Policy. 

Spain: Political Developments and Data in 2023. European Semester, Snap Elections and the Reformulation of the Left-Wing Coalition 
Fernández-Pasarín, A.M. and Bohigues, A. European Journal of Political Research Political Data Yearbook.

Integration through Expansive Unification: The Birth of the European Health Union
Ferrera, M., Kyriazi, A. & Miró, J. . Publius: The Journal of Federalism, 1-26.

Back from the Cold? Progressive Politics and Social Policy Paradigms in Southern Europe after the Great Recession
Branco, R., Miró, J. and Natili, M. Politics & Society, 1-32.

Social Reformism 2.0: Work, Welfare and Progressive Politics in the 21st Century
Ferrera, M., Miró, J. and Ronchi, S. (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar).


EUGOV Seminar, 25 June 2024

EUGOV Seminar presentation of «Same Money, Different Impact? The Conditional Effectiveness of European Structural and Investment Funds on EU Support …

EUGOV Seminar on 14 March

EUGOV Seminar on 14 March (13:00) at Autonomous University of Barcelona, Sala Europa. Speaker: Antoni Abat and Jorge Piñera (IIEE-UAB) …

EUGOV Seminar, 7 February 2024

EUGOV Seminar on 7 February (13:00) at Autonomous University of Barcelona, Seminari A, Fac. Polítiques i Sociologia. Speaker: Cristina Blasi …

EUGOV Seminar, 24 January 2024

EUGOV Seminar on 24 January (13:00) at Pompeu Fabra University, Jaume I building, room 20.283. Speaker: Marie-Thérèse Wilhelm (UPF). Paper: …

New EUGOV research projects

Happy to share that the EUGOV Research Group has won four research projects funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science …

EUGOV Seminars 2023-2024

EUGOV Seminars 2023-2024 …

Pioneer women of the European Union, October 23rd – November 23rd 2023

Exhibition “Pioneer women of the European Union” organized by the Jean Monnet Chair EUPOL, the European Documentation Center of the …

PhD call open on EU politics

Are you interested in a PhD grant on EU politics at the Autonomous University of Barcelona? You can apply for …

Workshop RN4EUHEALTH, October 27th 2023

Ana Mar Fernández Pasarín (EUGOV’s Director), Ixchel Pérez, Nuria Font and Andrea Noferini (EUGOV members) will participate in the IGOP …

Les principes de gouvernement de l’Union européenne», October 20th 2023

Seminar “Les principes de gouvernement de l’Union européenne”, 20 October 2023 (CNRS, Site Pouchet – 59/61 rue Pouchet, Paris). Organized …

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